How to File a Complaint
It is your right to file a complaint with the medical board. The board reviews each complaint. However, the board does not have the authority to get involved in some matters.
The Virgin Islands Board of Medical Examiners only licenses and regulates certain types of medical professionals. If your concern involves any other type of medical provider, the Board of Medical Examiners is unable to assist. Please check with the Department of Licensing and Consumer Affairs. The board does not accept complaints about our hospitals, nursing homes, primary care centers, or other healthcare institutions.
The VI Board of Medical Examiners is responsible for investigating complaints that violate national and local standards for the practice of medicine or applicable sections of Virgin Islands Code Title 27. This section of the Virgin Islands Code is the law that gives the Board of Medical Examiners its regulatory authority. Examples of grounds for filing a complaint include: practicing outside of scope, incapacity/impairment, violations of law, violations of board order, misrepresentation, dishonesty/exam compromise, and aiding and abetting unlicensed practice.
To File a Complaint
To file a complaint against a VI licensed physician or physician assistant, submit a written complaint, and include a notarized release of medical records for services (if applicable). Please mail your complaint to:
VI Board of Medical Examiners
ATTN. Complaints
PO Box 222995
Christiansted, VI 00822.2995