Board Established
About the Board
The VI Board of Medical Examiners was established in accordance to the Virgin Islands Code Title 3 VI.C § 415 to regulate the practice of medicine in the Virgin Islands in accordance with this statute and to otherwise enforce this statute.
The VI Board of Medical Examiners is comprised of 7 members all appointed by the Governor of the United States Virgin Islands. Four are physician members licensed to practice in the U.S. Virgin Islands (2 from the St Thomas/St John district and 2 from the St Croix district). The remaining 3 public board members are from the Virgin Islands community of recognized ability and integrity in non-medical professions; one of whom must reside on St. Croix, one on St. Thomas and one on St. John. Public members should have no professional or financial interest in a health service or profession. All Board members serve three-year terms.